
Succession Planning with lawyer Adriane Pacheco

Wealth Planning

12 June 2024

This Tuesday, we had the pleasure of welcoming Adriane Pacheco Danilovic, founding partner of the law firm Humberto Sanches e Associados, to our São Paulo office for a breakfast and discussion.

Moderated by Turim’s partner responsible for Wealth Planning, Gustavo Lutfi, CFP®, the conversation focused on succession planning, contextualizing the current scenario and future trends.

With over 20 years of experience in family asset and succession planning, Adriane discussed crucial topics such as offshore succession in light of the new Law 14,754 and possible succession structures, including wills, trusts, joint tenancy with rights of survivorship, and different classes of shares in private investment companies.

She also addressed the impacts of Complementary Bill 108/2024, presented at the end of last week, which regulates Constitutional Amendment 132/2023, and Bill No. 7/24, which proposes progressive rates from 2% to 8% for ITCMD in the State of São Paulo. The importance of adequate succession planning for donations and inheritances was also discussed, as well as the changes proposed in the Civil Code Reform Project, regarding the list of necessary heirs and the role of the spouse.

It was a morning full of learning and valuable knowledge exchange, essential for more effective and conscious asset planning.

We thank Adriane and the guests for their participation!
