
44th CBPP Abrapp

Institutional Investors

23 October 2023

Turim was present at the 44th CBPP Abrapp – Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities with the participation of Sergio Campos, our Head of Institutional Clients, and Rodrigo Albuquerque, CFP®, from our Institutional Client Relationship team, at the HMC CAPITAL booth.

Held from October 18 to 21 in São Paulo, the Congress had the central theme #previdênciacomplementarparatodos, focusing on the need to strengthen the supplementary pension system.

Among the organized panels, there were discussions on artificial intelligence in EFPCs, best practices, expectations for the economic scenario, and opportunities for international allocation in 2024, crucial points in the investment management of EFPCs. The importance of asset selection in generating alpha, global and local asset allocation for pension funds, private alternative investment programs, and more were also covered.

We are delighted to stay updated on the transformations in the pension landscape, learn from experts, and be present at one of the largest private pension events in the world.
